CAPS Mini – Commercial Air Purification System

The CAPS Mini is the most versatile option for treating and improving indoor air quality in smaller applications such as dental offices, nail salons, pet groomers. Ideal for rooms where no central air conditioning or ducting is present or that have specific odor problems, such as volatile compounds or smoke in the air. The unit utilizes PHI-cell® technology as well as three optional filter cartridges and can easily be mounted on the wall or placed in an optional vertical stand.

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The CAPS Mini utilizes RGF’s patented Photohydroionization® Cell (PHI-Cell®) technology which produces hydro-peroxides, super oxide ions, hydroxide ions. Three (3) optional filter cartridges are available which allow this unit to be adapted to improve air quality in various work environments where fats, oils, grease, (FOG’s), mercury, odors and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are commonly known to exist.

The resulting Advanced Oxidation Process reduces airborne mold, bacteria, viruses and odors up to 99%. The unit can also be purchased with one of three optional filter cartridges. They include: the FOG absorber which filters airborne fats, oils and greases commonly airborne in commercial kitchens; the VOC cartridge absorbs and filters volatile organic compounds and smoke common in bars, nail salons and labs; and the Mercury Cartridge filters and captures airborne mercury known to exist in certain dental procedures.



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