Shepherd Kitchen Exhaust Hood Filter Singapore

Kitchen hood filter singapore they use a traditional metal allow grease vapours to enter the hood and build up inside the kitchen exhaust system. Even australian-made 12though some kitchen grease filter designs can trap more, at their most effective, they will still only capture 20 to 40% of airborne kitchen grease. By switching to disposable kitchen grease filters from Shepherd Filters however, you will capture up to an impressive 98% of this stubborn kitchen grease.

Shepherd Filters offer an effective kitchen exhaust grease management system that reduces the need for costly filter and kitchen duct cleaning. Your savings will begin immediately as there is significantly less grease on filter frames and entering the kitchen exhaust system, reducing your filter cleaning costs significantly.

We provide sustainable, fire retardant kitchen grease filters made from 100% wool. Because Shepherd Filters capture kitchen grease before it enters the hood filters, your risk of fire also reduces significantly.shepherd-rights



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